Thank you for submitting a spay-neuter voucher request form
Please email us if you do not receive a voucher within 48 hours

Please contact the participating clinic directly to schedule your dog’s procedure. Let them know that you have a voucher from PNWCDR at the time of booking. You must bring the paper voucher (not digital version) to the appointment. This voucher cannot be duplicated or altered. Please contact Pacific Northwest Cattle Dog Rescue if your voucher expires.

Participating ClinicSchedulerClinic AddressTelephoneWebsite
Northwest Organization For Animal Help Schedule at NOAH
Note: NOAH collects a $25 deposit at time of booking
31300 Brandstrom Rd, Stanwood, WA
Northwest Spay and Neuter CenterSchedule at NWSNC6401 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA
Humane Society of Mason CountySchedule at HSMC
Note: HSMC collects a $30 deposit at time of booking
24070 State Route 3
Belfair, WA 98528
Yakima Humane Society Spay & Neuter ClinicSchedule at YHS106 S 6th Ave
Yakima, WA 98902